Do you ever feel like your life has come to a standstill or you are stuck in a place? It has stopped, yet people and objects are moving around you. Nothing is going your way, you can see your beliefs and hopes being lost. You are desperate to catch a break, to have something go your way. 

Malvika was feeling the same. She was tired of the life that had become hers. Her mind meandered in different directions without having an aim or objective. She had no idea what her next move should be. Her body was trembling with the pent-up energy she had, not knowing where to utilize it. Absentmindedly she put on a pair of shoes, took her keys and wallet, and started walking. Things were going downhill for her and that was something that she could not take. Losing had never been part of life.

It was a warm February evening in Mumbai, the wind seemed to have been lost in the sea and people were drenched in sweat running frantically towards the station to catch the locals. Malvika who lived near Juhu beach started walking towards it, with her thoughts lost in what her goal should be. Her feet were accustomed to the path and having a mind of their own took her to the beach. It was one of her favourite spots in the city. She could sit there for hours observing all kinds of people from different backgrounds and having different jobs. As soon as she turned the corner towards the beach the first wave of wind hit her. The wind seemed to have brought some sense of reality into her and gave her some hope. Her mind buzzing with thoughts went blank and finally, she could feel some peace. 

She sat there thinking about the moves that she had made and where they had gone wrong and what she could have done to not make those blunders. Slowly little bubbles of thoughts started forming inside and she had a brilliant idea. This would solve her problem. She frantically searched for her phone, cursed herself for forgetting it at home, and ran towards her place. It was a genius move and was sure to win her the victory that she so desired.

Running as fast as she could without stopping for a breath, Malvika reached her place. She hit the elevator button a few times before realizing that it was broken and ran up the stairs to her home on the 8th floor. She opened the door grabbed her phone that was lying on the bed opened the game of chess and made the move that brought her the checkmate that she dreamt of.

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