Daily writing prompt
What do you enjoy most about writing?

This prompt has been sitting in my drafts folder for a long time and I had no clue how to start this one. Writing has always been about getting to know myself, exploring my feelings and articulating what I think.

More than speaking, writing is something that comes naturally to me. For a long time I have used writing, be it fictional, non-fictional, or motivational posts to express myself and my emotional state.

The best part about writing or the thing that I enjoy the most is getting to express myself in a way I am comfortable in, even if it is just to me. I love that writing can be the most powerful tool at somebody’s disposal as it can be used to express your happiness, your joy, your sadness, your love or anything else you want.

Words can paint a picture that is powerful and captivating for the reader as well and can be helpful in getting lost in a world that they enjoy.

Just a question: Do you like writing on your laptop or on pen and paper? Personally, I prefer pen and paper.

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