There are times when you just lose your patience and calm, and want to smack the other person right in their face. Lately I have been wanting to punch many people.

Sometimes the sheer stupidity of the other person gets to your nerves and all you want to do is tell that person to shut up. The saying, “Common sense is the most uncommon thing” is becoming more and more clear everyday I come to work.

One thing I have learned while being in corporate is that nobody is your friend here, everyone if given a chance will stab you and move forward. The ass licking, the laughing at the bosses joke becoming their pet and losing their personal life for work sometimes baffles me.

The problem is, if you do not stay late and work it seems you are the one that does not do anything, even if all your work has been done on time and you just want to have a work life balance.

This entire post might not make sense, it is just for me to release my anger in a much more constructed way, were I won’t get fired.

Why is it so difficult to find a place where you like the work you do, where their is no politics and the pay is according to industrial standard?

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