Daily writing prompt
What does freedom mean to you?

The definition of freedom changes from time to time and even according to the situations. The word has so many meanings that describing it is impossible for me.

For some freedom can be physical, for some mental, and for some completely something and nothing all at once. 

There are so many types of freedom, however these 8 are the main ones that come close to understanding the word.

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual
  • Economical
  • Geographic
  • Cultural
  • Time

Does attaining all of these types of freedom guarantee you actually being free, or are there more layers attached to it?

“Freedom” has so many wars to its name, sometimes ironically wars in its name. The wars that are fought for freedom might only become the trap that you fought so hard for. Everything comes at a price, even freedom. However, should freedom come at a price? Should it not be something that is free? 

Freedom is the basic right that everyone, every soul, every creature deserves, but it is the one thing that everyone is after. From animals trapped in Zoos to humans trapped in their lives.

Freedom is a word so empowering, but at the same time a word that scares bejesus out of everyone. 

One response to “Freedom: A Basic Right or a Price to Pay? Unraveling Its Meaning”

  1. This is a thought-provoking piece on freedom. It’s made me reconsider my perspective on it.

    Wonderful 😊🩵

    Liked by 1 person

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